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Regarding your inquiry

When making inquiries, please read the 'Personal Information Protection Policy' and fill in the form after agreeing to the terms."Privacy Policy
In the telephone number field, please enter a reachable phone number (home or mobile).
Responses may take some time. For urgent matters, please contact us by phone.
Please ensure that you can receive our reply email by checking your mail settings (including spam settings).
If you do not receive a reply from us, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact us again.

Could you please create an inquiry email based on the translated content in Japanese?

Google Translate

At the time of reading, when reading the text, please fill in the form after agreeing to it."Privacy Policy
Telephone number must be filled in (at home or on a machine)
We can respond to demand in a short time, young urgent demand, telephone connection system.
If you wish to make sure that you have access to the following information, please contact us at the following address:
 As a result, I am not satisfied with my recovery, I am extremely grateful, and I am very grateful to you.

After the original translation, the Japanese content was produced. 


What kind of assistance do you need?  ※Required
Name  ※Required
Address Address
Postal Code 
Phone number  ※Required
(Half-width numbers)
*Required (half-width numbers)
*Required (half-width numbers)
Email address Electric station site
Inquiry content Inquiry content
※Please make reservations for the same day or the next day by calling ☎ 0138-45-6000.
Confirmation and replies to emails will be sent two days after the date of submission (8:00-17:00).

For those seeking a response via phone, please specify your available time for assistance.

If you prefer a response via email, please provide your email address and mention it explicitly.

For reservations, please note that any stated time such as "at ○○ o'clock,"around "○○ o'clock," or "by ○○ o'clock" will be interpreted as "○○ o'clock" sharp , so please be mindful.

*Please call 0138-45-6000 for delivery on the same day or the next day.
We will confirm the return date and send the telephone back to you after the delivery date (8:00-17:00).

If you wish to receive a telephone call, please contact us and let us know your available time.

If you wish to receive a refund of your electronic device, please confirm the location of your electronic device.

When you change the time, please pay attention to the specific time, such as "current point", "approximate point" or "before" point, and be careful.

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