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Mutual traffic-Contact us

Contact Form

What kind of trouble are you having?  ※Required
Name  ※Required
Postal Code 
Phone  ※Required
(Half-width numbers)
E-mail address
Inquiry details
*For same-day or next-day reservations, please be sure to call ☎0138-45-6000.
 E-mail confirmations and responses will be made two days after the sending date. (8:00-17:00)
If you would like a response by phone, please indicate the time slots when you are available. 
If you would like to receive a response by email, please include your email address and that fact. 
When making a reservation, please note that if the specified time is written as "○○ o'clock", "around ○○ o'clock", or "by ○○ o'clock", the reservation will be accepted as "○○:00". .

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