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Taxi fares [Otaru]

As of April 6, 12nd year of Reiwa

Distance fare

Vehicle classification
Initial fare
Additional fare
Small car
first 1.4km 700 yen
After that, per 275m 100Yen

Time-distance combined fare

Small car when the speed is 10 km/h or less for every 1 minute and 40 seconds 100 yen

Regarding hourly fares,

Initial fare
Additional fare
First 30 minutes 3,610Yen
After that every 30 minutes 3,610Yen

Waiting fee

Ordinary car: every 1 minute 40 seconds 100Yen

Fares, etc. discounts

Disability discount
10% discount
*Discounts for people with disabilities apply to those who have received a physical disability certificate based on the Act on Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons or an intellectual disability rehabilitation certificate stipulated in the rehabilitation certificate system, and will be applied when the certificate is presented. do.

Extra fares, etc.

Late night and early morning surcharge (between 10:00 pm and 5:00 am)
20% increase
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