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Fare Information

Information on taxi fares

Distance fare

First fare
Additional fare
Standard-sized car
Up to the first 1,096m 500 yen
After that, every 255m 100yen

Time-distance combined fares and waiting charges

Standard-sized car
About operation time of 10km/h or less for every 1 minute and 35 seconds 100 yen

Fares, etc. discounts

Disability discount
20% discount
Long-distance discount
For the portion exceeding 9, 000yen of the meter amount 10% off
* Disabled person discount is based on the physical disability certificate based on the Act on Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons, or the mentally handicapped person's nursing notebook stipulated in the rehabilitation notebook system.
  Applies to items that have been issued and when the notebook is presented.

Extra fares, etc.

Late night/early morning surcharge
20% increase
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