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Sougo Taxi Meal


The originator or the main store... Professional taste that you can't taste at home!
Originator Koike Indian Curry
Is this an Indian curry?It looks like a normal curry.
However, once you take a bite, your mouth will be filled with a delicious taste that is completely different from home curry.
Although it is slightly spicy, it is not so spicy, it is just a sibirel effect.

It is a very famous restaurant in Hakodate, but the curry here is the best in Hakodate, no, the best in Japan.
Both the hardened rice and the cutlet feel like they are going into the stomach.
Ah, I thought this is the reason why people say "curry is a drink".

If you call yourself a curry connoisseur, please pass this store first (laughs)

Location: 040-0043 22-4 Horaicho, Hakodate City, Hokkaido
Phone / 0138-23-2034
Business hours / 11: 00-15: 30
Regular holiday / Tuesday
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