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Sougo Taxi Meal


Salt is the foundation of Hakodate ramen
Tonkotsu in Kyushu, miso in Sapporo, and Hakodate?
When faced with such a problem, the answer for the people of Hakodate is "salt" (I'm sure).

Contrary to what you might think is a slightly murky, dark mouthfeel, the light salt makes it go down smoothly.
The curly medium-thick noodles entwine the salt soup, and it tastes just right.
When I noticed, I noticed that I was drinking up to the soup (lol)
With this, 600 yen is satisfying both body and mind (stomach).

Kitchen Chinese Ajitaka

Address: 36-7 Goryokakucho, Hakodate City, Hokkaido
TEL: 0138-51-7515
Business hours: 11:00-20:30
Closed: Irregular holidays
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