Taxi fares [Hakodate]
Taxi fare search site
Price list
Revised from 2023/08/10
Charge form | Amount of money | Midnight charge (22:00-5:00) |
Initial fare | Up to first 1.313km 600 yen | 20% premium |
Additional fare | After first ride 1.313km Per 302m ¥100 | |
Time distance combined fare | When driving at a speed of 10 km/h or less Every 1 minute and 50 seconds: 100 yen | |
Waiting fee | Every 1 minute and 50 seconds: 100 yen | |
charter | 1 hour: 6,880 yen Every 30 minutes thereafter: 3,440 yen | |
Jumbo taxi | 1 hour: 9,300 yen Every 30 minutes thereafter: 4,650 yen |
Time system fare (charter fee or jumbo taxi)
Revised from 2023/08/10
Initial fare | Additional fare |
from 1 hourAvailable Normal taxi ¥6,880 jumboTAXI \ 9,300Yen | Every 30 minutes thereafter normal taxi 3,440JPY jumboTAXI ¥4,650 |
Jumbo taxis operate only with hourly fares (Advance reservation required) *The charter fee is not available for long-distance service. |
Fares, etc. discounts
ASpecific discount (Multiple discounts cannot be combined within A) | |
Long distance discount* (*When the distance-based fare exceeds 7,000 yen, 10% is applied to the excess amount.) | 10% OFF(10% discount) |
Disability discount *1 | |
+ (A and B can be used together and the maximum discount is 20%.) | |
BDiscount for everyone | |
For round-trip passengersReturn fareonly 10% OFF (10% discount) |
*1 Disabled person discount is based on the physical disability certificate based on the Act on Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons, or the mentally handicapped person's nursing notebook stipulated in the rehabilitation notebook system.
Applies to items that have been issued and when the notebook is presented.
*2 Applicable when presenting the 65 Club Card.If it is lost or you are applying for registration, it is only applicable if you tell the crew to that effect and present something that shows your date of birth (health insurance card, etc.).
*3 For the round-trip discount, request the round-trip use when using the outbound route, and receive a discount ticket from the crew.
The scope of application for the return trip is within 24 hours from the time of using the outbound trip, on the same route, and by presenting the discount ticket.
apply if received.
Not applicable for outbound trips.
Advantageous flat-rate plans and other links
Hakodate Station ⇔ Various locations in Hakodate City | ||||
Place | General taxi fare | Required Time | Distance | Jumbo taxi Prices |
Mount Hakodate | \ 2,500 | 25min | 7.1km | \ 9,300 |
Hakodate Park | \ 1,200 | 10min | 2.7km | |
Ropeway platform | 1,000JPY | 10min | 2.2km | |
Goryokaku Park (Tower) | \ 1,500 | 16min | 4.2km | |
Tropical botanical garden | 2,200JPY | 16min | 6km | |
Tsugaru Kaikyo Ferry | \ 1,900 | 18min | 5km | |
\ 1,400 *Fixed rate plan available | 13min | 3.5km | ||
Yunokawa Onsen | \ 2,100 | 17min | 5.2km | |
Hakodate Airport | \ 3,200 | 23min | 8.1km | |
Hakodate Racecourse | \ 2,200 | 19min | 5.4km | |
Cape Tachimachi Foreigner's Cemetery | \ 1,600 | 16min | 3.9km | |
Trappistine Monastery | \ 3,300 | 35min | 10.1km | |
Hakodate Kameda Hachiman Shrine | \ 1,300 | 20min | 3.2km | |
Hakodate Velodrome | \ 1,400 | 10min | 3.5km | |
KG Country Club | \ 4,800 | 50min | 13.8km |
For inquiries and orders by e-mail, click here
〒041-0812 Hakodate City Showa 2-39-22
Sougo Kotsu Co., Ltd. ℡0138-41-4331 fax0138-41-6657